***NOV.22. 2009: Maritza's first piano recital !

After 2 months of piano lessons with Ms. Jenny and dilligent practice at home Maritza performed(voluntarily !) at her first piano recital!

Teacher says it is quite a success.. Mom is proud ..And for dad ..it brings back a lot of  memories...

Good job maritza! Here you can see her first performance *.

*** 9/2009: After fair voting Plamen lost 3:1 in the latest "Choose-a-Pet" elections.

So, the news is : We got ourselves a ... kitten !  For all of you dog persons reading that I can only tell : I put up a real fight but was outnumbered and had to give up ... My apologies  to all of you ! Here is a picture of LEO !

And here is a short video of Leo playing * .                                                                                                   

Good job  Maritza!

I asked her what this level is called, and she proudly answered " It is the  'shark'  level! "

"And what is Alex's level ? A starfish ? " 

She thought for a while and answered - "No, he is a shell ! An EMPTY shell! Because only a shell doesn't move at all in the water..."

Here is the official school announcement.

Just six months ago she was crying every time she dipped her toes in the pool. Her teacher, Ms. Lorraine,  can't  believe it!

Her mom too.

For more read here

***9/2009: The news is that Maritza and Alex will start taking piano lessons with Ms. Jenny at ASU.

Check again shortly with an update on that ...

***9/2009 : Alex finally found the fun in swimming and is already making progress.

Just last week he passed the two evaluation exams and moved to the next level - SEAL !

Read the official announcement here .

*** 06/2009: Maritza passed her swimming exam and has qualified for the Advanced level !

*For the video samples : If your internet connection is NOT fast enough to stream, right click the video link and select the option to save it to your PC. File sizes are not bigger than 10 MB.